Allgemeine Anästhesiologie, Notfall- und Intensivmedizin

One main responsibility of the division is university teaching. Our excellent and distinguished staff constantly plan, organize and improve the education of Medicine and Dentistry students in the areas of anesthesiology and emergency and intensive care medicine. The postgraduate education and training of physicians and other medical professionals is another major concern.


Research-led teaching

Mainly organized by the division, the required module "Anesthesia and Interdisciplinary Care for the Critically Ill" provides Medicine students excellent and in-depth teaching on how to care for seriously ill patients in cooperation with staff from the other anesthesiology divisions and intensive care medicine as well as infectious diseases, medical and chemical laboratory diagnostics, palliative medicine, pharmacology and transfusion medicine.

In the required tracks First Aid, Emergency Medicine I and II, medical students learn and practice emergency care for acutely ill and injured patients of all ages in cooperation with pediatrics and adolescent medicine staff.


Postgraduate training

The wide range of professional development opportunities at the Medical University of Graz is directed at a variety of occupational groups in the fields of medicine, science and research, nursing and health services. Most of the professional development courses can be completed while the participant is regularly employed and provide him/her with a valuable additional qualification.